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scenario source

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#1 Blue Leader

Blue Leader


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Posted 07 August 2011 - 09:47 PM


I have found a good ACW scenario book resource, available as downloadable .pdf's from the Wargame Vault. One is River of Death, scenarios about the battle of Chickamauga, another from the same source is Musketry Like Thunder, a series of hypothetical actions and there is Criminal Blunder, about the Battle of Pickett's Mill. These products contain over fifteen scenarios each, all set to be run using any scale. The books contain stats for all the units in a generic format so they can be adapted to all the major systems. And Battlelines fits in perfectly at the 1:20 scale, all the books come with scenario background, stats for leaders and their troops, and maps. These are exceptionally well-done products at a very reasonable price. Also for sale at the same web site are back issues of Charge magazine which have scenarios for Johnny Reb which are directly portable to Battlelines.

Blue Leader

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