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early war german infantry how does the pzrbusche 39 work

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#1 Andrew Burton

Andrew Burton


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 12:44 PM

What I am wondering is with the Pzrbusche 39 work when the unit takes a hit. Becasue when the unit takes a hit the fire power is reduced to the lower strength and the second hit removes the rifle/lmg from play. What my question is what happens to the Pzbusche 39? Does it go on with out the rifle/lmg or is it part of the unit and when the infantry stand is gone does it go away as well. I need some clarification please. My next question is does all of the early war german infantry get issued a Pzbusche 39, or is it just one per platoon, their lugging around alot of extra equipment. Most of the time if my infantry has a tank problem I call in an air strike, or artillary. If defending a position, a tank problem for me is what the ant tank gun section's job. Just some questions I need help with, thank you for your time and responces.

Andrew Burton

#2 Bob Benge

Bob Benge

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 10:25 AM

Hi Andrew! Sorry for the delay in answering your question.


Basically for playability the ATR will remain with the stand until the stand is removed from play. You can, if you like, put a counter on the table to show that the ATR is there, but this would be a home rule as there are no rules for lost equipment. Typically, the ATR is one per stand (squad).

~ Bob Benge ~
ODGW Designer
Product Manager - Mein Panzer

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