Our Scenario for the Wolfenberg Game:
The Horror at Wolfenberg Scale: 15mm; Rules: ODGW Mein Zombie; No. of Players: 9. Germany, March 1945. The horror is spreading East and West and has brought the war to a virtual halt. Agent Blaskowitz reports that “it” is spreading from the German Paranormal Div. facility at Wolfenberg & the trapped scientists hold the key to stopping it. The race is on . Take command of Panzer Grenadiers or British Air landing troops, & join us for the debut of the Mein Zombie Squad Rules.
LG ran this three times during the Con with Mike Moran and I assisting. The first time we played, the players were experienced Mein Zombie or other Zombie game players. They were a little scared about the amount of noise the Military weapons made. We also started them too far away from the objectives. After shooting a lot on game turn one, both sides went silent after that. They moved slow and got bogged down with heaps of zombies, neither side got close to the objective, but killed lots of zombies. I don’t believe there was any human/ human combat.
On the 2nd run, we adjusted some things and started both sides closer to the camp. Human on human combat started immediately. This group also realized that they had so much firepower, the noise was irrelevant. They were killing zombies and each other with glee. The British Air Landing platoon breeched the wire and started clearing buildings. The Germans made their way to the front gate in force, eventually parking their halftrack in front of the camp “Cooler” where the scientists were. A good shot from a KOSB PIAT destroyed the Halftrack and the Infantry squad riding in it. There was hard fighting with the living and undead until the game ended, but the scientists were not released.
For the 3rd run, we started even closer. We had a good crew of experienced players. Both sides were using their weapons to good advantage on the “Walkers” and the enemy. The British mortar landed their first shot in an abandoned German Halftrack that was the German resupply point, and it went up with a 20 Noise counter bang. The British attempted to flank the Germans with their Recce jeeps. The Hun tried to counter with a half track, only to have their MG-42 Jam on their first shot. The British jeep returned fire, causing damage. The next card pulled was the German squad with the one German Panzerfaust. They scored a direct hit and killed the jeep and crew.
The lead German squad breached the front gate, but took heavy British fire from the snipers in the Guard tower and were also mobbed by Zombies. They eventually lost 4 of their 6 troopers. The British were steadily clearing buildings and found the 3 scientists and their 3 guards. As they tried to exfil with them, the Germans raced their halftrack right up to them. The scientists tried to scramble into the track, which caused a firefight that cost half the scientists and guards. The Germans were able to get the rest out of the camp before the British could bring up a PIAT and stop them. German Victory.
WE learned a lot about how to adjust the rules and the scenario to make things play faster and easier. Everyone who played all 3 games told us how much they liked the scenario and that with a few tweaks it would be even more fun. The 3rd run was probably close to perfect. We look forward to doing this again!! Thanks to ODGW, Mike Moran and Kenny Noe for all the help and encouragement!!!!