Must a ship make an advance move before the initial 4 MF move into the wind? I assume so, but don't see it expressly stated in the rules. Perhaps it's implied by this rule: "If she does not have enough MFs, she must wait until the next Tactical Phase to tack." (Rule 4.6) Suppose there is a 1st rate with only 4 MF’s in battle sails. The only way she can tack is to do the advance in one phase, put her helm over into the wind for 4MF's in the next, then complete the tack three phases later. That makes a total of 5 phases after the announced tacking rather than 4, as Rule 4.6 indicates. It seems to me she should have to commit to the tack before the advance since, as I understand the concept, part of the idea behind it is that it takes awhile for the rudder to bite after the turn commences. Is this a correct interpretation?

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