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After Action Report! WWII ~1944 somewhere.

after action report aar wwii world war 2 british german

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#1 Greg Mc

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 01:19 AM

Welcome to my first after action report here. Hoping I can organize this in an easy-to-follow manner. Lately, my brother along with a few friends have been helping me play small scenarios over and over in order to gain familiarity with the ruleset. Many questions have risen, many questions have been answered by digging deep into the ruleset to understand nuances. Things as simple as rock walls being considered hard cover initially, and not understanding why it would, to now understanding that they should be soft cover! (Unless otherwise noted by scenario specific rules). I say this to say, many things are simple but easy to overlook and or misunderstand. This after-action report represented an extremely large tank battle that is not necessarily historically accurate but forced a lot of different situations on the players, validating an understanding of game mechanics.


The details of the scenario map:

The map is approximately 29" by 59". This was chosen due to the size of my workbench!

The maps is marked with blue tape to mark roads, and grey tape to mark an airfield.

Buildings are "true to size" buildings.

Small walls of rock are regular rock walls.

Taller, dark grey walls of rock are taller rock walls that block LOS.

The green walls of bush are considering hedgerows, blocking LOS unless directly against them.

Forests are marked with lines of felt/tree mix, with the interior being forest.

Sheets of fabric are used to mark fields, which are considered "soft ground" for the scenario.

The wonky looking square pieces around the airfield are pre-prepared hull down positions. 

The marsh looking pieces, are, marshes.




Details of the scenario:

The German military has an airfield at the opening of the valley. This airfield has been deemed an important strategic hold by the British, sparking a need a severely damage it and it's supplies, or take it over. The current scenario is a surprise British attack on said airfield. The German's have a small defensive force stationed at the airfield, but luckily reconnaissance alerted the German army about an imminent British attack. This reconnaissance led to a German reinforcement company being sent for support. 

As it stands, 2 platoons of German tanks are started within the airfield. The remaining force is driving in along the map edge with the road leading to the airfield. The British main force is pressing in from the bottom of the ridge line, with one platoon having pushed on a long flank to come in at the other corner of the scenario map (before scenario start of course).


The Germans are operating with a total point value of 2742.75, with 19 total tanks and 2 armored cars.

The British are operating with a total point value of 3,308.44, with 24 total tanks and 2 armored cars.

The specifics of these lists can be seen in the below photos.




Forgive the massive photos. I am not sure how to format the post to allow for 2 photos to be placed next to each other!


Enjoy. My goal to post a separate post for every turn, if not for every phase. Some phases consisted of a lot of action.

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#2 Greg Mc

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 01:32 AM

This post will be for the starting positions of the scenario.



As it stands, 2 platoons of German tanks are started within the airfield. The remaining force is driving in along the map edge with the road leading to the airfield. The British main force is pressing in from the bottom of the ridge line, with one platoon having pushed on a long flank to come in at the other corner of the scenario map (before scenario start of course).


This is the starting position of the British forces. The platoon of M3A1 Honey/Stuarts is the flanking platoon.



The SdKfz 222's are starting on the ridge line. The Tiger I platoon and the Panzer 4E/Stug3G platoon are pushing down the main road. The Panzer 3M platoon and Marder IIF platoon are pushing on the bottom, lower hill. All towards the airfield.



A platoon of Panzer 3G's and a platoon of StuG 3E's stand guard at the airfield.



This is the final deployment of the German and British forces. The next post will be Turn 1.

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#3 Greg Mc

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 02:01 AM

Turn 1, Phase 1 British initiative. 


The Germans are working with 2 activations on Phase 1 (seen above with the German playsheet). They opt to move their Panzer 3M platoon forward a double move, and their Marder IIF platoon forward a double move.



The British are working with 2 activations on Phase 1 (seen above with the British playsheet). They opt to move their first platoon of Sherman 75s, 76, and Achilles forward a double move, and their Grant I platoon forward a double move. They are moving CC only, albeit crossing the road, due to not taking the entire move on road. They also take a 1pip penalty for moving up the hill.



Turn 1, Phase 2 British initiative. 


The Germans are working with 2 activations on Phase 2 (seen above with the German playsheet). They opt to move their Tiger I platoon forward a double move, and move the Sdkfz 222 platoon forward a double move on the ridgeline. 



The British are working with 2 activations on Phase 2 (seen above with the British playsheet). They opt to move their second platoon of Sherman 75s, 76, and Achilles forward with a double move, and their Daimler Armored Car platoon forward with a double move. They are moving CC only, albeit crossing the road, due to not taking the entire move on road. They also take a pip penalty for moving up the hill.



Turn 1, Phase 3 British initiative.


The Germans are working with 1 activation on Phase 3 (seen above with the German playsheet). They opt to place their airfield Panzer 3G platoon on overwatch. By scenario rules, they began the game in hull down.



The British are working with 1 activation on Phase 3 (seen above with the British playsheet). They opt to move the Crusader III platoon forward with a double move.



Turn 1, Phase 4 British initiative.


The British are working with 1 activation on Phase 4 (seen above with the British playsheet). They opt to move the M7 Priest platoon forward with a double move.



The Germans are working with 1 activation on Phase 4 (seen above with the German playsheet). They opt to place their airfield StuG 3E platoon on overwatch, after maneuvering to face the oncoming threat of British forces. This placed them in OW2 Overwatch. By scenario rules, they began the game in hull down.



Turn 1, Phase 5 British initiative.


The British are working with 1 activation on Phase 5 (seen above with the British playsheet). They opt to move the M3A1 Honey/Stuart platoon forward with a single move, then looking to fire. However, the German StuG 3E platoon is in Overwatch! This resulted in a reactionary fire that missed. The M3A1 Honey/Stuarts fired as well, missing.



The Germans are working with 1 activation on Phase 5 (seen above with the German playsheet). They opt to move their Panzer 4E/StuG 3G platoon forward a double move, following the Tiger I platoon.




That will be the end of Turn 1. A small engagement with no casualties or hits taking place occurred between the hill side flank of the airfield. Stay tuned for turn 2!

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#4 Kenny Noe

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 05:26 AM

Greg,   Your pics are not displaying.   It's a bit tricky on this forum (even I get frustrated by it).   Recommend you create an album in the gallery, upload the pics and then link them to the forum where you want.


Also formatting can be a pain.  You can visit the IPS community (google search) to find some answers.


Hope this helps.

#5 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 11:24 AM

Hi Greg

Great AAR so far.  I can see Greg's pictures just fine.  I am looking forward to seeing how this battle turns out.  Thanks, Greg!

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#6 healey36


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Posted 28 March 2023 - 12:02 PM

Always nice to see MP getting a play...thanks!

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#7 Kenny Noe

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 01:38 PM

Hi Greg

Great AAR so far.  I can see Greg's pictures just fine.  I am looking forward to seeing how this battle turns out.  Thanks, Greg!

Hmmm   Wonder whats going on w/ my chrome page.   Will try Edge.

#8 Kenny Noe

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 01:42 PM

OK, my apologies Greg,  pics displayed in Edge just fine.   Fun looking game!

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#9 Greg Mc

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Posted 31 March 2023 - 08:42 PM

Did it turn out to just be a Chrome issue? I came down with a respiratory infection. Not fun, but now I am off work for a few days and will be posting updates to this! Thanks for reading all.

#10 Greg Mc

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Posted 27 April 2023 - 11:53 AM

I'm hoping to update this again soon! I need to figure out my photo situation, because now they are not showing up again! 

#11 Kenny Noe

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Posted 27 April 2023 - 12:00 PM

Dunno,  Can't see then in Chrome or Edge now.   :(


I usually upload to a personal gallery page and then link in the forum from the IMAGE Link button in the menu above.


Let me know if you need more details.



#12 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 01 May 2023 - 12:04 PM

I cannot see the photos either.  I saw them when first posted but nothing seems to be showing up now.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: after action report, aar, wwii, world war 2, british, german

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