Just a few questions here to get some clarity on some things.
1. Bonus Shots ROF and Artillery. In the rules it states that Bonus Shots due to Troop Quality (veteran and elite) are treated as extra shots with a reduced modifier. My question is, how does this apply to artillery? I have a Newblewerfer with an ROF of 4, manned by elite Fallschirmjaeger, so does that mean the Newblewefer has an ROF of 6 (though the rules state it can't exceed 5) and applies the bonus shot reduced modifier for the 2 extra rockets, or does the Newblewefer fire 3 salvos of 4 rockets, with the 2 other salvos being reduced modifier.
Further, my Fallschirmjaeger are firing a 50mm mortar in the direct fire roll, is the bonus shot modifier applied to both the shot to hit AND the kill table, or one or the other?
2. For beaten zones, it's a bit unclear between a regular beaten zone and an irregular beaten zone. Both methods involve connecting the numbers that hit on the arty template, so I'm a bit confused as to the nuance between the two rules.
3. And finally, the area template. From what I can see in the rules, the only time it comes into play is with a weapon with a ROF above 2, but the rules also state no weapon can have a ROF above 5, so why does it have rings going up to 16+? And does a unit count as hit even if it is partially under the template, and how many hits does it have to resolve against it?
*Before anyone says anything, yes I'm aware the area template is the spotting template, and I understand how the spotting template works.