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Fire-move activation and timing

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#1 FarEasternWanderer



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Posted 10 October 2024 - 12:51 AM

Sorry if this has been asked before. Couldn't find it.



OM2 - Fire-Move

If the stand uses its Bonus Move at any point during the activation, but is not moving during its Standard Action, use its OM2 modifier



So, I start my tank's activation. I am sitting still and shoot. OM1 claimed.



Afterwards, being in command range,  I use my Bonus Move.  "This "Bonus Move" can be taken before, during or after a stand's Standard Action"


But now I have fired and moved — I didn't know I was going to move at the time of shooting? So did OM1 apply?.



Cheers in advance!



#2 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 10 October 2024 - 05:23 AM

No,   If the unit moves "anytime" during it's activation then the player should use the OM2 modifier.   This allows the player the most flexibility to take the best shot and still move to a different position.


Remember this:

OM1 ( Fire-Halt)  = Unit is staying put and not moving during it's activation.  (0 move pips)

OM2 ( Fire-Move)  = Unit is firing and  then moving at some point during its activation. (Bonus move pips only)

OM3 ( Fire-on-the-Move )   = Unit is firing while moving during it's activation. (Bonus AND standard move pips)


Valid OM2 actions (recall an activated unit has "2" (two) actions - Bonus Move and Standard Action while in command.


1) Full Bonus move then Shoot.  [or]

2) Shoot then Full Bonus move. [or]

3) Begin Bonus move, stop, Shoot, then finish bonus move.



(see MPC page 7.2 column 1 "Offensive Modifier")



Hope this helps.

#3 FarEasternWanderer



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Posted 10 October 2024 - 06:49 AM



I still cannot quite get it, sorry.


It is my activation and I decide for my Standard Move to Fire.  I am not moving. It is fire from stationary .


After seeing the result of the shot, I might decide to use the Bonus Move.


Was the shot OM1 ? At that point I had no inkling I was going to move after the shot.



Or should I declare a the very start: ok I am going to fire but I might move after too. OM 2 then


You see what I mean?

#4 Kenny Noe

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Posted 10 October 2024 - 07:51 AM

OK let's try this


When you "activate" a unit you have "2" (two) things to do with that unit.  A bonus move (1) and a standard action (2).   A standard action can be 1 (one) of 17 (seventeen) actions.  These are listed on the back of the Advance Reference card (column one).  You only get one standard action so you must choose one from the list.  Move, Fire and Fire-on-the-move are all choices for the standard action.  


Think of this as giving "orders" to your unit.  As a player you should decide your OM123 option before activating the unit.  Then the unit completes the "orders" as given before it begins.



"It is my activation and I decide for my Standard Move to Fire.  I am not moving. It is fire from stationary ."

There is no option to make "Standard Move to Fire".   You gave the unit orders to Fire-Halt (stationary).  You are not moving, this would be an OM1 modifier.



"After seeing the result of the shot, I might decide to use the Bonus Move."

You have already given orders (Fire-Halt) thus the unit cannot move.  You have sacrificed the Bonus Move to gain the better chance to hit (OM1).



"Was the shot OM1 ? At that point I had no inkling I was going to move after the shot."

Yes the shot was an OM1 modifier to the "To-Hit" roll.  You're decision to move after the shot should have been at the beginning of the activation.



"Or should I declare a the very start: ok I am going to fire but I might move after too. OM 2 then"

Yes, if you are going to shoot and move the unit then use the OM2 (or OM3) modifier.   As a courtesy I tell my opponent which of their units are being targeted and which OM value I'm going to use to calculate the "To-Hit" number.


(another wrinkle to your last comment.   You decide to shoot and move.  OK that means you use an OM2 (or OM3) modifier.  BUT, after the shot you decide the unit is still in a good position and want to stay there.  This is allowable.  You took the move penalty to give the unit the option to move but decided it wasn't needed.  This is ok.)


Also remember that a vehicle that pivots (turns in place) more than 45% requires a move action.  (MPC page 2.6)


Any clearer now?

#5 FarEasternWanderer



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Posted 10 October 2024 - 09:15 AM

Perfect. Thank you for your time, sir.

#6 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 10 October 2024 - 10:59 AM

Glad to help!   Enjoy the game and roll "1"s on you're dice!

#7 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 10 October 2024 - 06:30 PM

This concept of Move, Fire, or both is sometimes hard for new players to grasp initially.  Kenny has explained it very well.  I did a Tutorial of sorts here and I think I explained it in the step by step at the beginning as well as how the other calculations are made. 

I have run numerous games over the years and this is not always easy to understand but with some additional explanation (and a little patience) the players do pick up this concept very well.  As Kenny explained, the bonus move is just that and can be taken before, after, and even in the middle of a standard activation. 

Example:  You have a Panzer IV that is going to engage a T-34.  The Panzer IV has a cross country movement rate of 4 for either standard activation or bonus move. 

1. If firing at the T-34, the Panzer IV can use OM1 value which gives it a better chance to hit. No bonus move is allowed as the vehicle must remain stationary through the whole turn.. 

2. If the Panzer IV wants to move, it will fire using the OM2 value on the chart.  There is less chance to hit but allows the Panzer IV to move.  During its Bonus Move, it can expend 4 movement points.  You can decide to expend those points or "Pips" in any order.  You can move all 4 movement points (assuming cross country) before you fire at the T-34 or you can choose to fire at the T-34 first and then move your Panzer IV up to you entire movement allowance.  The third option is to expend part of the movement (say 2 Pips) to move, then fire, and then move the additional amount (Up to 2 Pips).

Mein Panzer is very flexible in this regard.  If on a reverse slope, you can move your tank up the slope 1 inch (1 Pip move + 1 Pip for moving up the slope, Shoot at the target, and then back down 1 inch (2 Pips for reverse movement).  This is a tactic you can use in this game as well as others as you gain experience with the game.

I hope this is helpful and that I didn't muddy up anything here.

Here are a couple pictures from my solo Tutorial game from 2 years ago.  There are a bunch more here, on this page, with commentary.





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#8 FarEasternWanderer



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Posted 10 October 2024 - 07:51 PM

Peter, appreciate the input, as will all new players.

#9 Peter M. Skaar

Peter M. Skaar


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Posted 10 October 2024 - 08:59 PM

Thank you very much, FarEasternWanderer!

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