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Initiative - modifiers

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#1 FarEasternWanderer



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Posted 19 October 2024 - 06:25 AM

As one of the most important rolls, I am wondering if there is anything that modifies this? Not seen it yet.


For example, in my test game a group of 5 Pz IIIs activated last and fired (10 shots). Then their side won the initiate  and fired again..another 10 shots. Clearly that random single initiative roll eclipses all other factors.  What am I missing?

#2 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 19 October 2024 - 10:16 PM

Hi FarEasternWanderer

There is no initiative modifiers.  This is a straight die roll.  There are no modifiers to the die roll in either the basic game or the advanced game rules.

The folks at ODGW do encourage us mere mortals to make house rules if you feel something needs to be addressed that are not in the rules as written.  The rules as they stand are designed to give a good game without a ton of minutiae to keep the flow of the game going.  Some people like their games simpler, others may prefer more complexity.  There are rules in the various modules that will add complexity.  The players need to decide if the additional complexity and time involved is what they are looking for.

I hope this helps.

#3 FarEasternWanderer



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Posted 20 October 2024 - 12:05 AM

Thanks for your reply, Peter. To be honest,  I am finding the rules a bit over-fiddly in some areas, yet this initiative one cries out for something - you know, good commanders seizing the initiative or that type of thing.. Even in the test game I did, that 1 roll pretty much determined the outcome. There again, it was not the biggest battle with only 5 groups per side. 



#4 Kenny Noe

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Posted 21 October 2024 - 05:33 AM

There are no modifiers to the initiative roll.  Yes, if the same side wins the initiative and presses an attack that began in the last turn then such as the tides of war.  MPC initiative has been played for 30 yrs at conventions and thousands of games.   We all have had "hot" or "cold" dice with any number of critical rolls during a game.  Its the random aspect that appeals to a lot of players


To address your concern with the initiative roll you are welcome as Peter suggest develop a "house rule" in your games. 


Good luck and may your dice never turn cold.  <grin>

#5 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 23 October 2024 - 10:24 AM

Hi Far Eastern Wanderer

I think one could easily add a die roll modifier to the initiative rolls to reflect better command and control on one side or the other.  If you want to reflect that one side is superior to another side in their command and initiative just subtract a designated number from the die roll for the superior side depending on how much you want to increase the odds that the superior side will get initiative.  Alternatively, you could just give the initiative to one side for the whole game or even part of the game starting out.

Regarding back to back initiative rolls, we have never had an issue with this before.  The other players and I just sort of take it in stride and it is part of the game that for me is fun and interesting.  Remember, Only one element on a side (maybe 2 or 3 if playing with 2 or 3 other players per side) gets to go again right after finishing the next turn.  One element will get a double impulse so to speak but then the non-initiative player(s) will then get to move in response.

#6 FarEasternWanderer



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Posted 25 October 2024 - 07:05 AM

Thanks. Yeah, I might go with that. I think command should have a vital effect on initiative. 

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