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For Those who enjoy Force K from Malta

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#1 Jim O'Neil

Jim O'Neil


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  • LocationSE Arizona, Sierra Vista/ Ft Huachuca area

Posted 09 January 2007 - 08:28 PM

This is from a British site with some good information. I have attached some simple conversion rules and the web link. The upload rules make it hard to attach the file so it is just pasted in.The Link is : http://www.navalwarg...os/MALTA_SF.pdfTo alter the NWS scenarios to work with GQ 3 takes very little work.Scale - Most distances are given in Yards, making it easy to measure in any system. Do note that the old scale of 4 inches equal a thousand yards is little changed by using 10 cm = 1,000 yards as a scale. Then all speeds in knots are 1 cm = 1 knot speed and you just add two zeroes to the measured number of centimeters to get a range, (so 27 cm is 2,700 yards). I know I am a died in the wool GQ 1& 2 player and still think in inches, but I must admit, this is much easier.NWS uses a scale of 5 cm to 1,000 yards, or exactly half of the GQ 3 scale, so any distance given in cm is just doubled. This makes NWS ranges:Star Shell = 40 cm (4,000 yds)Searchlight = 60 cm (6,000 yds)15,000 yds is obviously 150 cm in GQ 3Note that the use of the GQ 3 provided data for searchlights and star shell is fine.Moon Phase - several scenarios have a quarter moon or less… for simplicity just use no moon, as the British normally maneuvered to take advantage of the lighting, using radar as the primary ship locator.IF you want to use the unaltered GQ 3 rules, their spotting ranges, which are probabilistic, create more of the fog of war and make for more realism. You could also add “1” to the New Moon visibility numbers; this gives the Italians a slightly better chance of seeing something and reacting.Weather – I would play calm as Force 1 or 2 (rolling a D6, 1-3 being Force 1 and 4+ Force 2). Swell is Force 3-4, again roll as above.On the November 8-9 Scenario for the Italians, use the GQ 3 rules for the Supporting Force, the closest ship not in your formation, or the closest ship firing on you becomes the target. This same applies for the close escort seeing the Support Force if it enters their view from any direction except the starboard Quarter.For the 24th of November scenario, the passing Thunder Storms can be created by the GQ 3 Rules section on squalls, 1.17.3 on page 1-27; otherwise they should be about 1 ft (33-35 cm) wide by about 8” (20 cm) deep. Roll one D6 for the number of storms and have them start on edge determined by a D6 roll as well Depending on the wind speed, they move 3 cm or 6 cm per turn straight away from the starting edge. Multiple storms should enter at staggered times (roll a D6, 5+ means a new storm along that edge) roll a die to determine where, to keep it random.For the last scenario, have the visibility reduce by 2 until you are at night visibility.

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