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Size of a division?

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#1 Neil Foster

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Posted 17 March 2011 - 06:23 AM

Afternoon.I know its a silly question but can you run a ship all on its lonesome. The rule books refer to divisions as 2 or more ships.Problem is I have for an upcoming game I have HMS Renoun then all the rest are either 8" or 6" crusiers and tying a 15" ship to either will limit the advantages of HMS Renoun.CheersIggy.

#2 Cpt M

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Posted 17 March 2011 - 07:26 PM

I know its a silly question but can you run a ship all on its lonesome. The rule books refer to divisions as 2 or more ships.Problem is I have for an upcoming game I have HMS Renoun then all the rest are either 8" or 6" crusiers and tying a 15" ship to either will limit the advantages of HMS Renoun.

Not a silly question at all. Generally speaking, divisions were made up of the same type of ship (BB, CA, CL, DD) and, if possible, the same class (a division of all Fletcher class DDs or a division of all Southampton class CLs, for example). Divisions made it easier for a commander to manuver and fight his ships. Divisions also made long distance transits easier to manage. The ideal division would made up of ships with the same caliber of guns and the same speed characteristics (preferably of the same class). Divisions generally were of from 2 to 4 ships in size (for example, in the RN, DDs tended to operate in 4 ship divisions while CAs and CLs tended to operate in 2 ship divisions).In your case, Renown would not be assigned to a division unless there was another BC around (say, Hood or Repulse) while if you had 2 8" County class CAs and 2 6" Southampton class CLs, they could operate as 2 separate divisions (a CA division and a CL division). And finally there is aways the possibility that all the ships would operate independently. An example of how divisions operate can be found in the Bismarck chase. Hood and Prince of Wales were operating as a single division during their encounter, and, given the differences in the ship characteristics, Priince of Wales was unable to fully utilize her guns. In the final encounter with King George V and Nelson, Tovey (CinC, Home Fleet) early on released Nelson so she could operate independently, thus both ships were able to optimize their firepower.

#3 Neil Foster

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 01:07 AM

Hi Coastal,Many thanks for clearing that up. It has just made my life alot easier being able to operate HMS Renoun independently. Still its going to be a tough battle. There are 95 VP's of german force to i think about 62 VP's of RN. Germans only have to get there ships off board without taking 3 boxes of damage to claim half VP's bonus, whilst I get 9 bonus VP's if I get my merchies off the table. Really looking forward to see how close I can get the result.CheersIggy.

#4 Jason Thompson

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 12:21 AM

the various mission types rolled does sem to favour the kriegsmarine :)oh and hello lol

#5 Neil Foster

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 01:53 PM

Yeah, every time I think about this battle the only sound going through my head is Star Wars dark side tune, Doom, Doom, Doom and Vadar arriving.CheersIggy.

#6 Jason Thompson

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 10:19 PM

sorry Neil...I have double checked the rules, including the optional and amendment...and I cant find anything about using the Death Star as tactical supporton a slightly less serious note...looking over the profiles again, this is gonna be a difficult engagement for the Royal Navy because of the missions...it could however be very embarassing for the Kriegsmarine to sail past without detecting any ships :)

#7 Neil Foster

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 12:38 AM

Ja,I don't think even the most short sighted lookout would fail to "detect" HMS Renoun emerging out of the gloom, firing a full broadside at his ship!!Seriously I have to pray that I can dictate when and where the enagaments take place and hope my initial 2 turns of gunnery are productive.Iggy.

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