Will ship charts and Data Base be made for possible actions betwwn the wars. I have Bywater's 1920 GREAT PACIFIC WAR. Based on the projected battlewagons/battlecruisers being built. It would have overshowed Jutland.

Between the Wars.
Posted 31 May 2014 - 07:35 PM
Posted 01 June 2014 - 09:32 PM
Will ship charts and Data Base be made for possible actions betwwn the wars. I have Bywater's 1920 GREAT PACIFIC WAR. Based on the projected battlewagons/battlecruisers being built. It would have overshowed Jutland.
The Cherry Trees supplement includes some of the ships that were eliminated due to the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. The ships included are the USN Lexington class battlecruisers and South Dakota class battleships, the RN G3 class battlecruisers, and the IJN Amagi class battlecruisers, Tosa class battleships, and Kii class battleships. Also available is a later variant (Anson) of the Hood class battlecruiser. The RN N3 class battleship and IJN 13-16 classes are not presented due to lack of the hard data needed to develop the ship logs and CRTs for the later guns (such as the RN and IJN 18" guns).
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