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Fall In! 2023

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#1 healey36


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Posted 16 October 2023 - 01:58 PM

Oct. 3-5 Nov. 3-5...who's going? Registered today and signed up for Friday session F10:436 Operation Kadesh: Battle of Bir Gifgafa November 2, 1956. Game master is some guy I've never heard of  :lol:  

#2 Kenny Noe

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Posted 17 October 2023 - 05:33 AM

You must be in time machine!!  LOL


Fall-In is Nov. 3-5.  The ODGW crew will be running games and selling books!!  I'll post the game matrix this evening.


I know the GM running that particular game, a real piece of work that one!!   hahahaha

#3 healey36


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Posted 18 October 2023 - 08:15 AM

What a dope I am...Nov. 3-5! Looking forward to seeing you guys.

#4 Kenny Noe

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Posted 18 October 2023 - 09:02 AM

As promised



#5 healey36


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Posted 04 November 2023 - 04:56 AM

Fall In! was great fun...joined Kenny for his Friday morning Mein Panzer Bir Gifgafa scenario:




In what devolved into a mid-range tank duel, the day saw a field littered with burned-out vehicles as the Israelis tried unsuccessfully to seize this critical crossroad in the Sinai. Learned a few things regarding maneuver in the desert and the occasional lethality of artillery on armor.


Thanks for the game, Ken, and thanks for hanging out for a few minutes afterward to talk some of the conceptual stuff. Enjoyed it.

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#6 Kenny Noe

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Posted 04 November 2023 - 10:53 AM

Anytime Paul, It was a good game with good pendulum swing from Israelis looking strong in the beginning, but the Egyptians slugging out the win in the end.


The second game there was only 2 players, so we ran the same scenario but with limited vehicles.  The Egyptians were VERY aggressive and ran all the way down the road (right side of your picture) and flanked the Israelis who were all on the opposite side.


Also of note in BOTH games we had the first Israelis tank losses were caused not by enemy fire, but by tank gun explosion on the misfire table!!!   Great fun for all!


Pictures posted soon.

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#7 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 05 November 2023 - 09:25 AM

It looks like a fun game.  I am looking forward to seeing more pictures.  Thanks!

#8 Kenny Noe

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Posted 06 November 2023 - 07:37 PM

Convention pictures have been posted



#9 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 07 November 2023 - 04:44 PM

Thanks for the pictures, Kenny!  It looks like everyone was having a good time.

#10 Kenny Noe

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Posted 08 November 2023 - 03:31 PM



Yea, I believe everyone in the ODGW game room had fun at their respective tables.  My two game didn't have full participation but we managed to play the scenarios.


Game One

Five players (myself included).  Egyptian - I took the lone Egyptian player who was on the defensive in the middle (3 units : A-19 122mm Battery, 2x platoons Archers) of the table.  My two comrades were driving on from the west to reinforce me and control the crossroads near the fort.  Israeli - the two players choose their player units and opted to take turns running the "third" player units.  So all units were played on the battlefield.


The Israeli players were cautious initially and tried to slug out at long range the Archers.  Their better TQ and OM numbers made short work of one platoon.  However, the first Israeli casualty came when a "20" on the To-Hit roll resulted in a second "20" rolled and BAM shell blew up in the breach!! 


Then the Egyptian A-19 Field guns lowered to direct fire with a HEAT round and started laying into them, causing the more damage and worrying the Israeli Commanders to halt their momentum to fire HE at the FG emplacements.   This allowed the Egyptian reinforcements to arrive and enter the fray.


Result - Egyptian victory.   Israelis never made it the the obj crossroads.   And the last action taken on the field was the Egyptian MiG-15 strafing 4x Israeli tanks that were huddled on a hilltop.  Results three destroyed.




Game Two

Two players.  Egyptian took the 2x T-34/85 platoons and 1x JS-3 platoon while the Israeli took 2x platoons of M50 Sherman and 1x M1(75) Sherman.  The Israeli player didn't know that the Archers and A-19 Field gun positions has all been abandoned!!  So they stopped to take OM1 shots while receiving no fire in return.  The Egyptian player move, moved and moved one platoon of T-34/85 down the road on their left and by turn three were on the right flank of Israeli tanks at their end of the board!!  The other T-34/85 and the JS-3 up thru the middle of the field and made contact with the enemy after turn three.


Again, the first Israeli casualty came when a "20" on the To-Hit roll resulted in a second "20" rolled and BAM shell blew up in the breach!!  (Never had  this happened in back to back games!!  Hilarious!!)


Game was called shortly after with both players understanding the game mechanics and getting to blow each other up!  The Israeli player conceding that he lost focus on the objective and would never get there at this point.


Both reported having a fun time with the game.

#11 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 08 November 2023 - 05:15 PM

Thanks for the Mein Panzer AARs, Kenny.  If the participants all had fun then that is definitely a win. 

The rather abbreviated Mein Panzer game I ran a couple weeks ago at Imperial Outpost had 4 players.  Although the game lasted only 3 turns due to time constraints for some of the players, they did get to move and shoot and get the basic mechanics down.  One of the players even experienced the "catastrophic malfunction" aka the 20-20 misfire.  These events seem to happen once per game when I am running or playing even though the odds are pretty small.

The fact that my 3 newbies and 1 rusty old hand had fun and plan to be back for more is a win in my book.  I will run a couple more simple games with the group and then start to expand into the rules for direct fire HE, AT guns, artillery, and eventually  some real infantry and maybe even an infantry only fight at some point.


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