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Cap and multiple carriers

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#1 jc Prudhon

jc Prudhon


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Posted 22 August 2024 - 04:34 PM

in the simplified camapign system (I intend to use for TSC) japs can have 2 Cv and 1 cvl in a Tf.   if they'd play the detailed air fight they can have quite a number of planes on Cap, as they "save" with their coordinated airstrikes.


With the simplified system it looks like the numbers on cap only vary with the die roll  which means you only can have, sensibly, the max allowed. Way different results.

Or would it be max for each carrier (knowing that one might not have that amount avazilable anyway)?

#2 Dave Franklin

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Posted 23 August 2024 - 06:48 AM

I don't think I understand your question.  In TSC, when you sortie a CG, you can allocate up to 80% of the CG's fighters to CAP.  That is regardless of which air rules you're going to use.

#3 jc Prudhon

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Posted 24 August 2024 - 12:45 PM

Ok. saw an old answer by the much regreted Gregory, the japs can only have 2 carriers in a TF.  


What I understand is from chart 9i, japs will have from 1 to 5(4) flight to  intercept an air raid. US post 43 up to 8. So does it matter if you do have more at hand ? For Cap it pushes you to have one carrier per TF.

What about CVE covering forces with multiple carriers?

#4 Dave Franklin

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Posted 26 August 2024 - 07:00 AM

It's been awhile, but IIRC you roll on the CAP Intercept table for every 6 flights of CAP.  For example, if you had 14 flights on CAP, you roll on the table 3 times: twice for 6 flights, and then a third time for the remaining 2.



#5 jc Prudhon

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Posted 03 September 2024 - 11:41 AM

Ha! but where did you  see that? (I have to "convince" to opposition. ;)

It's been awhile, but IIRC you roll on the CAP Intercept table for every 6 flights of CAP.  For example, if you had 14 flights on CAP, you roll on the table 3 times: twice for 6 flights, and then a third time for the remaining 2.



#6 Jim O'Neil

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Posted 03 September 2024 - 02:44 PM

Campaign Charts - Advanced Game Turn Sequence  seems to be the go to location as it references each action with a rules paragraph number.

I did not see any specific guidance, but the chart allows for 0 to 8 flights intercepting. That's 0 to 24 aircraft if using Vics of 3 or 0 to 16 if using Finger Four pairs.


With any sort of ground/ship based intercept directions, they can vector whatever they feel is needed of the available CAP to protect the TF/Airfield. I have not found any limitation on how many fighters you can assign to CAP other than available numbers of serviceable fighters.


I am not much of a carrier attack gamer so someone else may be much more knowledgable.

#7 Dave Franklin

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Posted 04 September 2024 - 06:56 AM

This took me awhile to run down, as I was sure I remembered it.  In the first release of GQ3 back in 2006, in section 4.5.5 Aerial Combat where it describes the CAP Intercept table, the last sentence says "When the CAP exceeds 6 flights, roll again for each additional group of 1 - 6 flights."


That sentence seems to have disappeared when Amendment 2 was published (in 2011 based on the date on my file).  I have no idea why it was removed, except to assume it was an error.



#8 jc Prudhon

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Posted 04 September 2024 - 12:52 PM

Has to be, otherwise no difference between the CAp of 1942 and the huge ones of  44.

This took me awhile to run down, as I was sure I remembered it.  In the first release of GQ3 back in 2006, in section 4.5.5 Aerial Combat where it describes the CAP Intercept table, the last sentence says "When the CAP exceeds 6 flights, roll again for each additional group of 1 - 6 flights."


That sentence seems to have disappeared when Amendment 2 was published (in 2011 based on the date on my file).  I have no idea why it was removed, except to assume it was an error.



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