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Game Turn 5 DTMB February 1942

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#1 W. Clark

W. Clark

    Lt Colonel

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Posted 23 November 2024 - 11:53 PM

15-28 February 1942

The WAF having achieved all its objectives transfers its entire force to the EAF.

The EAF sorties a CG in the Eastern Axis and 3 invasion convoys against Bali in the Central Axis and Dilli on Timor and Surabaya.

RAdm Kakuta: Ryujo & Zuiho, 3 DDs

RAdm Tanaka: Jintsu & 16th DesDiv.

RAdm Nishimura: Naka & 2nd DesDiv.

VAdm Takahashi: Ashigara, Nachi & Maya, Nagara.

DesDivs 15, 21, 24 & 9

Task Force 5 combines with the RN to sortie a sweep from Surabaya into the Eastern Axis.

RAdm Glassford: Houston, Boise, Phoenix, Marblehead w/Exeter and Mauritius.

RN DesDiv 1, USN DesDivs 57 & 58

The RN combines with the Dutch to sortie a sweep into the Center Axis from Surabaya.

RAdm Palliser: 3 D class, de Ruyter, Java & Tromp.

RNN DesGrps 1 & 2 & RN DesDiv 2

Force X combines with the Aussies to sortie a sweep from Darwin into the Eastern Axis.

VAdm Godroy: Suffren, 2 Duquesnes, 2 Trouin class & Perth.

FF DesDiv 1 & Aussie DesDiv.


Weather Forecast is +2

Overcast in the Central Axis. No LBA contact

Overcast in the Eastern Axis. No LBA contact (2 rolls)


CG finds and attacks both TF5 & Force X

Strike against TF5 randomly targets a USN DD and sinks it.

Strike against Force X randomly targets Vampire and sinks it.


RN/RNN Sweep contacts Bali Invasion Convoy at 2000 hours

TF5 contacts Surabaya Invasion Convoy at 1200 hours

Force X contacts Surabaya Invasion Convoy at 0400 hours

Possible contacts against Dili to be resolved after Surabaya.


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