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Doing it for the Dutch on our own Dime

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#1 W. Clark

W. Clark

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Posted 27 December 2024 - 03:14 PM

Breaking the Malay Barrier

DTMB GT1 Standard Start

War has begun. HMS Prince of Wales and Repulse have been sunk by Japanese LBA taking Admiral Phillips with them. The First Malayan Landing has occurred and the Singapore Index is at 1. LBA Tier for both theaters is 0.


Theater Events

Japanese: Singapore is bombed and ship repair is precluded.

Allies: 3 convoy escorts are required.


Weather Forecast: The weather die rolls modifier is +2

Intelligence: Neither side’s Intel roll provided any useful information.


WAF (Western Attack Force) Theater

Japanese CD (Command Decisions)

CD 1: WAF sorties a L (large) invasion convoy against Kota Bharu-Singora (2nd Malayan Landing) under VAdm Kondo.

1st Div/4th Sentai (Takao flag & Atago), 7th Sentai (RAdm Kurita, Kumano flag, Suzuya, Mikuma & Mogami), 4th (4 Kagero DDs), 6th (2 Akatsuki DDs), 8th (4 Asashio DDs) & 11th (3 Fubuki DDs) DesDivs. 12 APs & 1 AV

CD 2: WAF sorties a S (small) invasion convoy against Miri/Brunei on Borneo under VAdm Ozawa.

Chokai flag, 3rd DesFlot (RAdm Hashimoto, Sendai flag), 19th (4 Fubuki DDs) & 20th (4 Fubuki DDs) DesDivs, 4 APs & 1 AV


The RN transfers HMAS Vampire to Darwin as everything else is tied up on convoy escort.

EAF (Eastern Attack Force) Theater

Japanese CDs

CD 1: EAF sorties a M (medium) invasion convoy against Davao on Mindanao under RAdm Takagi.

2nd Division/5th Sentai (Nachi flag & Myoko), 16th (2 Kagero DDs), 10 APs & 1 AV

CD 2: WAF sorties a M invasion convoy against Jolo under RAdm Tanaka.

5th Sentai (Haguro), 2nd DesFlot (RAdmk Tanaka, Jintsu flag), 15th (4 Kagero DDs) DesDiv, 8 APs & 1 AV

CD 3: WAF sorties a CG into the Eastern Axis under RAdm Kakuta.

4th Carrier Sentai (Ryujo flag) & 1 DD


Task Force 5 under RAdm Glassford transfers to Surabaya as everything is tied up in convoy escorts.


With no resistance from the Allies, all objectives were taken without loss.


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#2 simanton



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Posted 28 December 2024 - 12:37 AM

If anything, too realistic!

#3 W. Clark

W. Clark

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Posted 28 December 2024 - 03:06 AM

The TEs can really throw a monkey wrench into early Allied attempts at putting together a concentrated response to the Japanese. But they reflect actual historical decisions made by the Allies above the paygrade of the commander(s) of the ABDAFlot and have to be taken into account by the campaign rules. I call it the "Almond Joy-Mounds effect". Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't. 



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