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Doing it for the Dutch 3

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#1 W. Clark

W. Clark

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Posted 27 December 2024 - 03:17 PM

Breaking the Malay Barrier

DTMB GT 3 Standard Start

Singapore Index is 3. WAF LBA Tier is 2 and the EAF LBA Tier is 0

The ABDA Command has formed. The Allies may now combine forces and share their CDs.

Theater Events

Japanese: Yamamoto adds a CD to the EAF.

Allied: 2 convoys escorts (per base) are required. This will gut the Allied ability to sortie this GT.

Weather Forecast: There is no die roll modifier this GT.

Intelligence: Both side’s get contact modifiers but its not of much use if there are no sweeps.

WAF Theater

Japanese CDs

CD 1: WAF sorties a L invasion convoy against Kota Bharu-Singora (the 4th Malayan Landing) under VAdm Kondo.

6 CAs, 16 DDs, 12 APs & 1 AV

CD 2: WAF sorties a VS invasion convoy against Endau under VAdm Ozawa.

1 CA, 3 DDs, 1 AP & 1 AV

CD 3: WAF sorties a VS invasion convoy against Sandakan on Borneo under RAdm Hasimoto.

1 CL, 3 DD, 1 AP & 1 AV


RN transfers the entire Force Z to Surabaya as without a sortie to torpedo ambush the WAF shows the writing is on the wall for Singapore.


No ships present.

EAF Theater

Japanese CDs

CD 1: EAF takes the 16th Sentai (RAdm Hara, Nagara flag & Ashigara FF VAdm Takahashi) as a CD reinforcement. May be used this turn.

CD 2: EAF sorties a M invasion convoy against Ambon on Ceram under VAdm Takahashi.

Ashigara FF, 5th Sentai (RAdm Takagi, 3 Myoko CAs), 16th Sentai (RAdm Hara, Nagara flag), 2nd (4 Shiratsuyu DDs), 9th (4 Asashio DDs), 16th (4 Kagero DDs) DesDivs, 8 APs & 1 AV

CD 3: EAF sorties a S invasion convoy against Menado on Celebes under RAdm Nishimura.

4th DesFlot (1 Sendai CL), 24th (4 Shiratsuyu DDs) Des Div & 4 APs

CD 4: EAF sorties a S invasion convoy against Kendari on Celebes under RAdm Tanaka.

2nd DesFlot (1 Sendai CL), 15th (4 Kagero DDs), 21st (4 Hatsuharu DDs), 4 APs & 1 AV

CD 5: EAF sorties a CG in the Eastern Axis under RAdm Kauta.

Ryujo & 1 DD


Task Force 5 & RNN SF remain in port due to 4 cruisers and 8 DDs being tied up on escort duty.


The ANZAC Squadron takes the Aussie N class DDs as a CD reinforcement and is unable to sortie due to convoy escort requirements.


All Objectives are taken without resistance or loss. The British insistence on stuffing as many troops into Singapore as possible as tied the ABDA Flot up in escort duties and precluded it massing enough strength anywhere, needed to contest the Japanese advance at sea. They have succeeded in greatly increasing the POW bag at Singapore however. Disgustingly historical.


The Singapore Index will now automatically advance to 5 by the end of GT4 and Singapore will fall.


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