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Doing it for the Dutch 4

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#1 W. Clark

W. Clark

    Lt Colonel

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Posted 27 December 2024 - 03:20 PM

Breaking the Malay Barrier

DTMB GT 4 Standard Start

The Singapore Index is now 4 and will automatically advance to 5 at the end of the GT.

LAB Tier for the WAF is 3 and the EAF is 2.

Theater Events

Japanese: Yamamoto adds a CD to the EAF (VAdm Helfrich raises a protest and asks the Ref to reign this guy in. But die rolls are die rolls.)

ABDA: VAdm Helfrich is unhappy at not receiving command of ABDA Flot and does a bit of Allied back stabbing. The Dutch CD is removed this GT and Dutch ships may not sortie in sweeps. Way to go Dutchy.

Weather Forecast: No modifier to weather die rolls this GT.

WAF Theater

CD 1: WAF sorties a L convoy against Batavia under VAdm Kondo.

4th Sentai (2 Takao CAs), 19th (4 Fubuki DDs), 20th (4 Fubuki DDs), 12 APs & 1 AV

CD 2: WAF sorties a M invasion convoy against Bangka Island off Sumatra under RAdm Hashimoto.

3rd DesFlot (1 Sendai CL), 4th (4 Kagero DDs) DesDiv, 8 APs & 1 AV

CD 3: WAF sorties a M invasion convoy against Palembang on Sumatra.

Yura, 8th (4 Asashio DDs), 8 APs & 1 AV

Singapore & Batavia

No ships present.

EAF Theater

Japanese CDs

CD 1: EAF take Maya as a CD reinforcement. May be used this GT.

CD 2: EAF sorties a Patrol in the Eastern Axis under VAdm Takahashi.

Ashigara FF, Sentai 5 (RAdm Takagi, 3 Myoko CAs), Maya, 16th Sentai (RAdm Hara, Nagara), 9th (4 Asashio DDs), 15th (4 Kagero DDs) & 21st (4 Hatsuharu DDs) DesDivs

CD 3: EAF sorties a S invasion convoy against Makassar on Celebes under RAdm Nishimura.

4th DesFlot (1 Sendai CL), 2nd & 24th (8 Shiratsuyu DDs), 4 APs & 1 AV

CD 4: EAF sorties a VS invasion convoy against Dili on Timor under RAdm Tanaka.

2nd DesFlot (1 Sendai CL), 16th (4 Kagero DDs) DesDiv, 1 AP & 1 AV

CD 5: EAF sorties a CG into the Eastern Axis under RAdm Kakuta.

Ryujo & 1 DD


USN takes Phoenix as a CD reinforcement. May be used this GT.

TF5 with RN reinforcements sorties a Sweep into the Eastern Axis under RAdm Glassford.

USN Cruiser Division (Boise, Phoenix, Houston & Marblehead), RN Cruiser Division (RAdm Palliser, Mauritius & Exeter), 57th & 58th (8 Clemson DDs) & RN DesDiv (3 E & 1 J class DDs)


ANAZAC Squadron sorties a Sweep into the Easten Axis under RAdm Crace.

Heavy Division (Australia flag & Canberra), Aussie Light Division (Perth & Hobart), NZ Division (Achilles & Leander) & Aussie DesDiv (3 N class & Vampire DDs)


To be determined


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