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Modern Data Book Poll

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#21 Jon S. Palmer

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Posted 07 September 2010 - 06:29 PM

some of my modern stats we use, just thought some people may be interested [file name=My_Modern_Stats1_2003.xls size=35840]http://www.odgw.com/images/fbfiles/files/My_Modern_Stats1_2003.xls[/file]

#22 Kenny Noe

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 12:13 PM

JonP wrote:

some of my modern stats we use, just thought some people may be interested [file name=My_Modern_Stats1_2003.xls size=35840]http://www.odgw.com/images/fbfiles/files/My_Modern_Stats1_2003.xls[/file]

Thanks Jon.....--Kenny

#23 Jon S. Palmer

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 02:34 PM

Some of the stats are missing for the latest set of rules, as we tend to use a combination of first edition and latest edition rules.For example, all infantry and tanks only have one hit point, having mutiple hit ponts on inf etc. only slows the game down in our opinion. We don't do missle reaction tests. i don't believe a tank would much chance seeing a missle heading toward their tank or have a chance to react to it so we miss out missle reaction tests. Maybe someone who has been on the end of a guided missle and lived to tell the tail can correct me, but that's how I see it anyway.we tend to play large games i.e. 1-2 Inf batt with maybe 1 tank batt attached on a large table i.e 7 x 12 foot covered in terrain see picsUS marine invasion against soviet counter attack

#24 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 09 April 2014 - 02:10 PM

I am also for doing seperate Data books to cover various periods and conflicts in the almost 70 years since WWII.  While I am primarily interested in Arab-Israeli Wars and the Cold War, I could be convinced to buy some of the others.  Here is my list of potential books that could be produced if there was enought interest.

1. Arab-Israeli Wars.  This would cover the entire series of wars subdivided into 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, up to the present.  I think that one book could cover everything without getting too thick.

2. Cold War era - 1945 through 1970.  This would emphasize NATO and Warsaw Pact in Europe for the first 25 years.  It would cover all potential combatants in the European Theater of Operations including Greece and Turkey.

3. Cold War era - 1971 to 1989/90.  This would cover the equipment that was produced later during this 20 year period.  The dates could be adjusted for the two Data Books and there would be some overlap of equipment as well from one period to the other.

4. Vietnam 1945 to 1975.  I would include the French involvement here as well.

5. Korean War.

6. Africa.  This would cover any wars from 1945 to the present.

7. Asia.  Same as above.

8. Western Hemisphere - especially Central and South America and the wars and potential wars that might happen.

Having laid this out, I would be most interested in the Arab-Israeli and Cold War books but would definitely consider the others as well. 

Anyone else have any thoughts on this.  I want to try to get something going here and would like to know how the Arab-Israeli Data Book is coming along from someone here at ODGW.  Thanks very much.


#25 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 01:03 PM

Since my last post, I noticed that the Korean War supplement was released back in 2012.  Is there any progress being made with the Arab-Israeli Wars or the Cold Wars supplements and data books.


It would be nice to get an update on the forum, maybe once a month or so even if no progress is being made.  Also, if a project has been terminated due to lack of interest or other problems that would be good to know as well.

I do enjoy this rules set but would like to see the modern expansions in the near future.

Finally - Bob Benge, I have tried to contact you via e-mail.  My e-mails keep getting returned so I assume that your address has changed.  Could you send me a private e-mail with your new address.  Thanks very much.


#26 Rew



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Posted 11 May 2014 - 05:58 AM

I'm interested in it all but would still prefer several data books as this makes it more manageable when playing.

#27 mark furnell

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 09:02 AM

Nato / Warsaw Pack for me please, late 80's for the time period.





#28 Kenny Noe

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 07:27 PM

Check out the Core Rules, Cold war tank stats and UltraModern stats are there.

#29 cfielitz



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Posted 28 March 2019 - 09:41 AM

One book, or there can be more than one book so long at the stats on the various AFVs are compatible.

#30 cfielitz



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Posted 27 February 2020 - 10:08 PM

One big data book.

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