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Pre-Order Modern Data Book

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#1 Sean King

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Posted 11 October 2005 - 02:39 AM

Hey,J Coulter, and Kenny (knoe) I was thinking since you kind of have a cover for the Modern Data book and all that you guys might want to do a pre-order thing for it.I know that it might not even be real close to being done either but I do know that if you guys started taking money for pre-orders taht you all proably would put a little bit of a rush to getting it done plus a little cash flow for you all proably wouldn't hurt either. :silly: Just an idea!:evil: :whistle: Sean King

#2 Jonathan Coulter

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Posted 11 October 2005 - 08:21 AM

An interesting idea and I will consider it. I don't think we are close at the moment. When we have some concrete files to post we'll look closer at a pre-order situation.But keep those cash-flow ideas coming !! :woohoo:

#3 Guest_DirkHH_*

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 01:56 PM

Hello,can you tell us something about the progress of the modern data book. Looking forward to play vietnam and build a new modern army.thank you

#4 Guest_DirkHH_*

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 01:56 PM

Hello,can you tell us something about the progress of the modern data book. Looking forward to play vietnam and build a new modern army.thank you

#5 Jonathan Coulter

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 02:59 PM

The Modern Databook will actually be broken out into several different books to best cover the periods and conflicts. The first release will cover the Arab-Israeli Wars but I'm not in a position to give a firm release date. In the Private Core Rules library there are a few modern data files to hold folks over until we get the real thing finished.It's been a long process, but I think everyone will be happy with the data books as they are released.

#6 Rob Westbrook

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Posted 28 August 2006 - 09:18 AM

Any new information on the data books since February?

#7 Bob Benge

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Posted 29 August 2006 - 06:09 AM

Unfortunately no. There have been some major issues on how the Equipment Data Tables info will be formatted (since tanks during the modern era seem to last longer yet, the ammo changes immensely with model changes and upgrades), how the modern values required major changes to equipment stat calculations and how the modern combat systems have significantly increased in complexity thus creating major headaches on how these systems will be represented in MP with our concept of keeping things simple yet as historically accurate as possible. Also, after February, there was a little shake up in the organization that had left this project in the air. We have been working very diligently getting the MP Core Rules (the base rules for ALL MP products) revised and then carrying forward these revisions to all of the other current Mein Panzer products. Unfortunately once again, the Modern Data Books and our American Battlelines products have been left hanging, for the time being, to ensure getting this extensive project completed. The light is near the end of the tunnel, however, and it looks like these product revisions will start seeing completion by the end of September to early October. So, hopefully, soon after their completion, we can get back into our much neglected "red-headed step children". :) Thanks for the inquiry and sorry for the extensive delay. It really does pain us all here in ODGW that this product is taking so darn long. But the modern era is very complex and is very taxing trying to get this right in our MP game system. We are working on it though.

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