I've also put this question into the GQ3 forum as it covers the same topic & that forum may have more readers.....
I've been using the FAI rules for a few months & yesterday was playing solo with a flotilla of RN DDs against a division of HSF BBs (3rd BS, 5th Squadron).
This was mainly to try if RN DD tactics work, ie approach at about 30 degrees on the enemy bow & fire torpedoes at 3-5000 yards.
Clearly, the HSF BB secondary & tertiary armament would come into play.
SMS Konig ship's drawings show 7 x 5.9" on each side, with 1 facing directly for'd, 1 aft & the other 5 as broadside.
The tertiaries are 3 on each side, 2 facing for'd & 1 broadside.
The ship log for Konig has 4 secondary boxes for each side (each box representing a pair of guns, even though there were 7 historically, not 8). What would their arcs be... clearly the for'd 5.9" can definitely fire for'd & the aft definitely can't. The remainder will have a partial for'd arc.
How are these firing arcs be represented in the game? It would be fairly critical if launching a DD attack fine on the BB's bow with limited secondaries able to fire for'd?
Also, the tertiary battery is represented on the log is a single red box- does this mean because it was open sights it was pretty much useless at anything but the shortest range & mainly had AA ammunition??