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Solo play considerations

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#1 acctingman69



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Posted 12 December 2022 - 05:54 PM

Just curious to see if anyone has come up with some sort of AI chart or dice driven solo rules? I find myself with very little time and sadly, very little chance to have a real life opponent. 


I was looking at GMT's Panzer solo rules and found a couple tables I thought I could incorporate. Using D100 to roll for attacker/defender roles, modified by TQ rating.



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#2 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 13 December 2022 - 07:04 AM

When I play solo, I treat the game like when playing chess solo.  Flip sides and try to get an advantage on the opposite side previous movement.  Takes a little getting use to. I find from reading (Cold War) that Western forces are a bit more free wheeling with initiative when won.  Eastern forces I try an keep to a strict doctrine approach.  This works for Battalion and below level games.


Initiative is key since it's dice roll and random.  Games have been won / lost on this one game mechanic...   <grin>


my 0.02ยข    YMMV



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#3 Peter M. Skaar

Peter M. Skaar


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Posted 13 December 2022 - 09:48 AM

Like Kenny, in my solo games, I just try to play each side equally well and react to what I did in the last move for the other side.  Back in the 1970s, I got into board wargames and still have a large collection.  I played most of my games solo as it was sometimes hard to find opponents and I also found I enjoyed solo play.  For me it was a great way to learn the rules and even devise some basic strategies.  Of course it is fun to play against an opponent but I had no problem playing solo and still do.

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#4 healey36


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Posted 23 December 2022 - 03:37 PM

Increasingly solo-play here, but I do have a small group of dedicated players for FAI (not so much for MP). When playing MP solo, I typically assign a geographic objective to one side and a defend-at-all-cost directive to the other. As Peter pointed out, as initiative shifts back and forth, simply play the best possible action (in one's judgement) for both sides. Initiative, morale, gunnery, and assault die rolls tend to provide more than enough variability in results to keep it interesting.


For naval games, I typically create a few random-event tables and an "if-this-than-this" type flow-chart. Set your "lanes", then let the dice be your opponent.     

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