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Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

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#1 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 23 October 2023 - 10:10 AM

On Saturday, I hosted a game of Mein Panzer at Imperial Outpost Games in Glendale, AZ.  This was a simple meeting engagement scenario set in North Africa in 1942.  We had 4 players for the game with 2 German players and 2 British players.

Three of the four players had not played before and it had been a while since the fourth player had played.  I thought this was a good introductory scenario to give the players a sense of the game at least.

The British side had 2 reduced companies of Crusader IIs and the Germans had 2 reduced companies of Panzer IIIs including 3 "specials" per company.  I left the Panzer IIs out of the mix because I really didn't have enough plus I wanted to keep things as simple as possible.  Of course now I will need to get some more Panzer IIs painted to rectify the situation.

I chose these 2 types of tanks because they are very close statistically.  The speed and armor on both are very  similar and the short barreled 50mm is similar in performance to the 2 Lbr. carried by the Crusader II.
The specials are a bit better but not overwhelmingly so.

There were 4 low hills plus a village with a crossroads in the center that was the main objective for both sides.  I kept the terrain and its effects pretty simple with the players getting automatic hull down on a reverse slope and alley shots if firing in or out of the village. 

We got through 3 turns in about 90 minutes before we had to call the game since a couple of the guys had to leave.  The Germans got the victory since they managed to get the crossroads.  Both sides scored some kills but no brew-ups occurred.

All the players seemed to enjoy the game and are interested in playing again.  For me, at least, that is a successful game.



I just took a couple of pictures at the end of the game showing the final dispositions.

I will plan to run another game around January next year.


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#2 healey36


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Posted 23 October 2023 - 03:28 PM

Very nice, Peter. Great looking terrain and miniatures.


"All the players seemed to enjoy the game and are interested in playing again."   


That's huge; hopefully the start of a long-running group/series.



#3 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 27 October 2023 - 10:16 PM

Thanks very much, Healey!  It has been a long time since running my last game.

#4 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 15 April 2024 - 07:33 PM

I am prepping for Sand Wars here in Mesa, AZ on May 18-19.  In order to tweak my Cruisin' for a Bruisin' scenario and get back in the groove so to speak, I decided to run a couple of games at Imperial Outpost which is an FLGS in Glendale, AZ.

The first game was played this last Saturday, April 13th.  I had only 2 players for the game this time with Matt W. taking the role of the British and Jeffrey M. taking the role of the Germans.  Each player had a reduced company with the Germans having 10 Panzer IIIs with 3 being "Specials" and the British side with 11 Crusader IIs.

We played through 4 turns before the game was called but there was a lot of action.  The British got the worst of things but did manage to kill a few German tanks including the German HQ tank.  The British also lost their HQ tank as well.

Both players were fairly new to the game.  Matt had played in the game I hosted in October while Jeffrey had never played Mein Panzer before.  They enjoyed the game and want to play again so I consider it a success.

The next game will be on April 27th at Imperial Outpost.  I think I may have more players for that one.

Here are a few pictures of the game from Saturday.






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#5 Kenny Noe

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Posted 16 April 2024 - 03:14 AM

Well done!

#6 healey36


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Posted 16 April 2024 - 01:26 PM

Nicely done; a few more players and you'll likely get well past turn 4, Peter, although as game-master/umpire, you might have a bit less hair. It's a skill I haven't quite mastered. Kenny's very good at it; me, not so much, lol. Good luck on the 27th!

#7 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 16 April 2024 - 07:16 PM

Thank you very much Kenny and Healey! 

I have been running games for 20+ years and I have found that you can't please all the people all the time for sure.  I have run a number of games where most, if not all players, have enjoyed their time very much.  I have run one or two where some of the players were not too happy.  There was one particular game where the members of one side thought the game unbalanced and let me know that.  I did not feel the game was unbalanced but their style of play seemed to work against them in my opinion.

As they say in Hollywood - No director sets out to make a bad movie or words to that effect.  The fact that I have two new guys that seem to like the game and want to play more is definitely a win for me.  For the next game, more people have expressed an interest with at least a couple of them never having played Mein Panzer before.

As an aside, there are three micro armor games scheduled for the Sand Wars convention but mine is the only Mein Panzer game.  This is not a large convention so it will be interesting to see how many players I have for my game.

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#8 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 11 May 2024 - 02:44 PM

Two weeks ago, i ran another Mein Panzer Cruisin' for a Bruisin' game.  This time we had 4 players including myself.  Once again we used my desert Terrain Maker layout and 1/285th scale GHQ micro armor.

Matt C and Richard F took the British while John C and I each commanded a German Panzer Company of Panzer IIIs.  Matt had played once before in October while Richard was playing Mein Panzer for the first time.

The terrain and objectives were simple with the main geographical objectives being the crossroads in the town and the 4 hilltops.  Points were also assessed for tanks knocked out and brewed up which were double.

John took 2 platoons plus the CO and headed directly into the town.  I took my company and posted it on the hill on the German left flank.  Matt had the same idea with his British squadron taking control of the hill on the British left while Richard took the bulk of his command and headed into the town with 1 squadron to secure the hill to the British right.

John's Company took heavy casualties with 2 platoons destroyed and the CO in dire straights.  His 3rd platoon was on the hill and engaging the British to their front.  On the other side, I was able to knock out three British tanks on the hill while also taking out some of the ones on the road.  I had lost 1 tank with an immobilized result but it was still able to fire after recovering from suppression.

We called the game after 5 turns in less than 2 hours of playing time.  At that time, we concluded that the British had achieved a marginal victory by uncontested control of the crossroads but the Germans had knocked out a couple more tanks than they lost.

I will run this game again at Sand Wars next Saturday, May 18th.  I think it is a good introductory game to learn the rules for Mein Panzer.

Here are a few pictures from the game.








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#9 healey36


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Posted 12 May 2024 - 06:53 AM

Nice photos, Peter; looks like a fun time. It's always nice to see 1/285 on the table.


Paul R.

#10 Kenny Noe

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Posted 12 May 2024 - 10:31 AM

Peter, well done.  Looking forward to repots on how the con plays out.

#11 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 22 May 2024 - 01:10 PM

This last Saturday, May 18th, I attended Sand Wars in Mesa, AZ.  I ran my Mein Panzer Cruisin' for a Bruisin' game.  I had 2 players signed up for the game but unfortunately, one of them could not make it due to unforeseen circumstances.  I them went from my role of hosting to becoming an active participant but that would not be the first time. 

My opponent, Mike P., came out all the way from California to play in my game and he had never played Mein Panzer before.  After getting everything set up and giving him the rules briefing we were ready to go.  I designed this scenario to be fairly simple and reach a decent conclusion in 6 to 8 turns of play.  The scenario is set in North Africa in the middle of 1942 so I kept the terrain fairly simple with a crossroads in the center and 4 roads leading to it in the middle of a small village.
In this game, there were also 4 low hills that could be used to get some cover and defilade so that the map was not completely flat.

Mike selected the British forces with a slightly understrength squadron of 12 Crusader IIs comprising 1 troop of 4, 2 troops of 3, and the HQ element consisting of the CO and the 2IC.

I had the Germans with an understrength Panzer III company of 10 tanks consisting of 3 platoons of 3 Panzer IIIs each plus a HQ element consisting of the CO.  The Germans had 7 Panzer IIIJ1s and 3 Panzer IIIJ2s (Specials) distributed 1 per platoon.

The nice thing is that the stats for the British and Germans in this case are very similar.  Both the Panzer IIIs and Crusader IIs have the same frontal armor, same AP values, same cross country and road speeds.  The British have a slight numerical advantage for the scenario.  The Crusader II also has slightly better OM1 and OM2 values than the Panzer IIIJ1 but the Panzer IIIJ2 is slightly better than the Crusader II in that area and also with a slightly better AP value.

For the game, I made both sides "Regular" which gave the Germans a TQ of 12 and the British a TQ of 11.  This is slightly better than 50% but usually the various to hit modifiers will pull that number down a bit at average to long range.

For the victory conditions, control of the crossroads was worth a lot of points but there were also potential points for controlling the hills on the opposite side and of course for knocking out and brewing up enemy tanks.  I scored brew-ups as double the regular points for knocked out tanks and a CO tank knocked out as triple value and quadruple if brewed up.

The game lasted 6 turns with both of us heading toward the crossroads but I also tried to keep one platoon on the hill to provide some covering fire.  Mike won the initiative the first 5 of 6 turns.  My luck in hitting was a bit better than his luck but I did seem to have a lot of misfire rolls.  Must be those d... saboteurs!  I only had to look up one thing in the rule book about Reaction Fire when one of my tanks came within 2 inches of one of Mike's tanks in the town.  Otherwise the game played very smoothly and Mike grasped the basics very quickly and played very well.

After 6 turns, we called the game.  No one controlled the crossroads or the opposite hills.  I won on points but both of us had a great time and Mike says he will be back.  That is definitely a win in my book regardless of who won the game.

Here are a few pictures of the game.

Here is the set-up before the action began.

Here is a close-up of the village with the crossroads on the left side.


Another view from ground level.

This shows the board at the end of the game.

Showing the British side at the end of the game.


A view from the German side.  One platoon plus the HQ are heading directly for the crossroads while one platoon is coming from the left flank and the third one on the right is providing covering fire.

Close-up showing the third platoon on the German right.

The German platoon flanking the village from the left.  As you can see, one of the tanks has a misfire.  This was a problem for me during the game.  Fortunately, most were dud rounds and I did not lose any tanks due to the dreaded 20-20 roll.

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#12 Kenny Noe

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Posted 23 May 2024 - 03:55 AM

Thanks Peter.  Hopefully we've another convert!!  <grin>   Nice write up as always.

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#13 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 25 May 2024 - 09:28 AM

Hi Kenny!

Thanks very much!  Mike does plan to come back and I have some other people that are interested in playing Mein Panzer again.  It helps to start them off with a simple scenario.  I will eventually add infantry and artillery in and may try to do a mainly infantry battle with some off board artillery and a few armored vehicles in the mix.


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