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Mediterranean Campaign

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#1 W. Clark

W. Clark

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Posted 12 April 2024 - 12:34 PM

It's on, the Royal Navy versus the Regia Marina between Mid-July and November 1940. Of course I cannot predict who will prevail at this early stage but never forget.


When Britain first, at Heaven's command

Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sung this strain:

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities shall with commerce shine:
All thine shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to thy happy coast repair;
Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crown'd,
And manly hearts to guard the fair.

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

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#2 simanton



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Posted 12 April 2024 - 09:36 PM

It makes a fine tune for the entry of the British Army in Beethoven's "Wellington's Victory."

#3 healey36


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Posted 09 May 2024 - 07:42 AM

A mate swung by with a number of 1/4800-scale Condottieri light cruisers, looking for a paint job. I've not painted anything at that scale (despite having a few boxes of CinC's old offerings in the lead pile). Regardless, I can see where this is headed, so I'll be reading these campaign reports closely, lol.

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