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Rescue the Governor's Daughter

Mein Zombie Pirates

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#1 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 05 May 2024 - 12:46 PM

Had a little fun yesterday @ Your Hobby Place in Martinsburg WV.  Played in a game of Mein Zombie which Don was kind enough to host.  He had ulterior motives, he had PIRATES!!!!  Don has been working on painting Long boats and Barbary pirates as well as making a costal village.  I'm told the village in the AAR below can become a small town with additional buildings and accoutrements he has and I've no reason to doubt this!  Don is an excellent gaming painter and terrain maker!
So w/o further delay, I present an Mein Zombie After Action Report.
Rescue of the G'vner's Daughter
Jamacia's Governor, the honorable Sir Baisel Winthrupe Duke of (something or other) daughter, Victoria went on a small boating excursion with her bodyguard Hugo (there are pirates around) one clear day.   After several hours and the parties failure to return, the Governor Wihthrupe posted a handsome reward for locating and the safe return of the jewel of his heart.
Several groups struck out searching for the "princess" with fancies of riches in their heads.  One such group was a pair of brigands that may or may not had partaken in a little privateering to gain a little coin for the Wenches of Tortuga.  This pair of rogues cajoled a longboat and steersman to head towards a small island that most sailors ignored.  However, it had a little cove with a few village huts.  A great place to hide and stash rum!
The Game board
Our would be adventurers had not visited this cove in almost a year as stories on a plague outbreak kept most people away.   Getting closer to the shore they notice people staggering in the village and in the surf.
Fresh Fish                                               Swimmers                                              Tiki Bar
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As for the Zombies they also react seeing fresh meat come sailing towards the shore
Watching the boat coming closer and closer

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#2 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 05 May 2024 - 12:47 PM

Successfully navigating troubled waters (ie staying away from the swimming zombies) our would-be heroes begin searching for the lost "princess"
Boat @ the pier                                     Brigand Don starting to check the huts        Brigand Kenny at the door of the Big House
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Checking the Big House          Friendly Sniper!                                   Moving on to check more huts
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#3 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 05 May 2024 - 12:47 PM

"Princess" (in green) and bodyguard FOUND!! 
and of course there are zombies all around.
Brigand Don & the bodyguard clear the way.    Zombies blocking the pier                      In the boat preparing the swivel gun, but....
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While the swivel gun proved useless (read below), the brigands Don and Kenny managed to rescue Victoria and her body guard from the zombie hoards on the island.  A life of Tortuga wenches await Brigand Kenny while Brigand Don was smitten with Victoria and soon married into a family of aristocrats and politicians.
The End.
Brigand Don (The Man, Myth, and Legend)
Couple notes
As you read this and see the pictures, you may wonder where the "Friendly Sniper" came from.  MZ has Event cards that are optional but add a lot of fun / fog of war aspects.  One card is drawn at the beginning of a turn and this affects what happens in that turn.  We drew the "Shot out of the Dark" card which details a sniper taking out 1-3 zombies.  However in this age of black power this was limited to one shot and the GM thought it'd be good to keep her around for the game.  We discussed adding her in to the full game but just kept her as an extra shot. 
Also as with most games that Kenny plays, his dice rolling stinks!!   The last shot with the swivel gun shows this to perfection!!  I needed a 13 or less to kill just one zombie ( low single digit rolls would have killed more).  However as documented evidence shows Kenny's curse strikes yet again!!!  Curses!
Few more pictures here 
Thanks for the read.

#4 healey36


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Posted 07 May 2024 - 09:06 AM

Looks like a fun time. I've never much considered skirmish-type games, but I'm growing more interested as time goes on. I've got a few rulesets that cover historical time-periods/scenarios (are there any historical scenarios for zombies?), but haven't spent much time sorting through them. Thanks for the write-up...it has me reconsidering the format.
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#5 Don Carter

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Posted 09 May 2024 - 07:20 PM

The "Historical" zombies  has been fun. Mein Zombie is a beer and pretzel type game To turn a period into Zombies is simple. 

1 find some heroes and make an objective. find something or someone or just have to reach a safe place.

I have a French and Indian game  where you have to reach the safety of a small fort.  As long as you have some stat for weapons any period is easy to convert.  And zombies  are easy to make.  Take figures and paint dead skin., splah a little blood on them.

#6 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 11 May 2024 - 01:50 PM

It looks like a fun game!  Thanks for sharing.

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#7 healey36


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Posted 30 June 2024 - 06:10 AM

I see you're running a variation of this at Historicon 2024 in a few weeks. If I'm there that day, I'll swing by. Have fun!

  • Kenny Noe likes this

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