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Modern Data book?

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#1 Jon Palmer

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Posted 20 August 2007 - 04:09 PM

I assume this modern version is dead now?:(

#2 Bob Benge

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 06:01 AM

Hi Jon,We have a gentleman working on an Arab-Israeli War Data Book, but we have not heard from him lately so its status is uncertain to us at this point. My next Data Book project start will be a Vietnam Data Book that will span the 3 Vietnamese Wars. The start on this may be a bit as I have to finish WW1, which shouldn't be too much longer and a couple other projects that were pushed to me. I just wish we had more personal time to get to everything we'd like to do. What period are you looking for? Cold War Ultra-Modern? Some of the probelm we have had with the Modern series is that it is massively more complicated and the weapon systems complicate the data tables so we have to come up with a revised user-friendly presentation. Nothing is Dead, but it may be a while. We are sorry for such a delay.

#3 Jon Palmer

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 04:03 PM

I was generally interested in the mid-1970's to 1989 period i.e late cold war. from the information you have already released I was making up my own stats at one stage.:)

#4 Eric Miller

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Posted 10 January 2008 - 02:36 AM

JonTerrinz wrote:

I was generally interested in the mid-1970's to 1989 period i.e late cold war. from the information you have already released I was making up my own stats at one stage.:)

Do you mean the stats included wit the Core Rules?

We have a gentleman working on an Arab-Israeli War Data Book, but we have not heard from him lately so its status is uncertain to us at this point.

I can tell you how disappointed I am. I bought these rules 5 and a half years ago on the strength of a single playing of the "Valley of Tears" scenario with Kenny Noe at Historicon.At the time I was told (by a number of people) that the Modern Data Book(s) were nearing completion and I thought I had finally found the rules I wanted for the huge amount of modern microarmor I was accumulating.Look at that number again, folks. 5.5 years, these rules have sat on a shelf waiting for the modern data supplements. I liked the rules alot, then. But, i do count the $30.00 I spent as not well spent giving the amount of play I've gotten out of them since then.

#5 Jon Palmer

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Posted 14 January 2008 - 02:14 AM

I was generally interested in the mid-1970's to 1989 period i.e late cold war. from the information you have already released I was making up my own stats at one stage.

Do you mean the stats included wit the Core Rules?

Yes, but I was mostly using modified stats from Challenger 2000 rules and fitting them in to Mein Panzer format

#6 Sean King

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 09:09 AM

I was really hoping for the Modern supllament as well.Personally it is not just one part of it either. I want to do Vietnam, Israli Arab Wars, 70 to 80's Cold War, etc. :) In the mean time I found another rule set that seems to be what I am looking for. Although it would be nice to be able to have a same basic set for both WWII and Modern combat.Sean

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