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Modern Data Book

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#1 Michael Graham

Michael Graham


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Posted 23 February 2008 - 07:23 PM

Is the Modern data book dead? The reason I bought this rule set, I would be able to play one rule set and play multiple periods. I really like the rules and I have ran quite a few WWII. It has been over five years and still no Modern Data Book. In the mean time WW2 Secret Weapons and Spanish Civil War Data Book have been published, so it must not be a time issue. Please let me know if I have to look elsewhere for a modern rule set?Mike Graham

#2 Bob Benge

Bob Benge

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 09:10 PM

Hi Mike,I first want to apologize for the exorbetant amount of time thus far that you have had to wait. Since the release of MP Core rules it was and is our intention of releasing Modern Data Books. Modern Data Books are not dead. We had different authors working on the different time periods. I myself have been working on WW1, SCW, WW2 and the WW2 Seceret Weapons Books and Jon Coulter has been working on the Korean War Data Book. The person that is/was working on Modern Data Books is no longer a member of the company and at the time he resigned he was working on the Arab/Israeli War book. We fully intend to get a modern series of data books out, but at this point in time I can tell you it won't be anytime soon. The next couple of books that we are releasing are WW1 and Korea this year. I had intended to progress to the Sino/Vietnamese Wars when I finish up WW1, but this is up in the air at this point. As we are down to one author (me) doing data books and I do this in my free time I can tell you that it won't be any time soon as this series of books are going to present a whole new set of challenges to me.

#3 Michael Graham

Michael Graham


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Posted 25 February 2008 - 12:32 AM

Sorry to have sounded snippy, but I am a bit frustrated and I am sure that I am not as frustrated as you.

#4 Bob Benge

Bob Benge

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 03:27 PM

It is understandable and I do understand your frustration. You are right too as I have been very frustrated with this situation.We will endure though. ;)

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