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Will there ever be a Modern Data Book

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#21 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 04 December 2015 - 09:23 AM

Working on the 1956 war....  Looking good so far.  Keep the faith!



#22 Denny



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Posted 18 March 2016 - 01:37 PM

Hi I recently purchased Mein Panzer, really enjoy the concept and how it plays however can I assume there is no modern data for this set of rules and considering how long the debate has being going on there will be none in the forseeable future?

I would like to know as I dont want to keep investing in a product that will not fully meet my needs. I am particulalrly interested in 6DW and YK.

#23 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 27 July 2018 - 10:49 PM

Hi Kenny


When will the modern rules be available? I know you guys are doing some playtesting on Cold war and Arab-Israeli Wars.


Do you have any need of additional playtesters or proofreaders?  I am in the greater Phoenix area but have a small group of guys that play Mein Panzer and one of our members is interested.





#24 Kenny Noe

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Posted 31 July 2018 - 05:32 AM



Thanks for the unwavering loyality.  Yes, there is a modern databook coming. up thru the 1956 AIW.  Then I'll be doing a AIW 67 book.  I thought I'd have the first done for Historicon, but it was not meant to be.  So am aiming for Fall-In.  My biggest hurdle right now is aircraft (which Bob can relate to...)


The Core Rules have all  the Modern rules needed to play.  We are not playtesting the rules just tweaking vehicle data.  if you want to "playtest' the modern rules there are sample vehicle data in the Core rules which can get you started.  The biggest item I've noticed with playing the modern rules are that players are unfamiliar with proper use of ATGMs.  I've had folks in games think AT-3 and TOWs are like Bazooka and RPGs.  They want to get in close to use them only to discover a minimum arming range to the missile.  This is not a rule that can be written but a tactic that needs to be taught (imho).


I appreciate your interest and hope to see an AAR soon.




#25 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:48 PM

Thanks Ken


I will have to check to see if I actually have any modern vehicle data in my core rules.  I do not have Chaper 58 in my book so will have to see if one of my friends has this.

#26 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 05 August 2018 - 01:51 PM

Hi Ken


I checked and downloaded the available vehicle stats.  These are vehicles from the 1950s through maybe early 1970s for the most part.  Are you working on some more?


For Arab-Israeli, 1967 and 73 I am interested in T-55, M-48, M-48 Magach3, Super Sherman and Isherman, Centurion, and maybe the Zelda and BMP-1 and BTR 152 and BTR 60.


For Cold War I would love to see some stats for the T-64, BMP-1, BMP-2, T-72, T-80 for the Russians and M-1 and M2/M3 Bradley for the U.S.  I would also love to have some stats for the W. German, Brits, and French as well.

Do you have any of these available yet?



#27 Kenny Noe

Kenny Noe

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Posted 06 August 2018 - 08:17 PM



I sent you a PM.   Did you get it??



#28 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 07 August 2018 - 11:43 PM

I Kenny


I sent you a reply.  Thanks.



#29 Jonathan Souza

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Posted 10 March 2019 - 05:00 PM

Waiting for the modern set as well.

#30 cfielitz



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Posted 28 March 2019 - 09:45 AM

Will the supplements be compatible, particularly the weapon stats? My friends and I play a lot of imagination 3rd world games where its possible to see a Sherman Firefly go up against a T-72. 

#31 daryl zorn

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Posted 13 May 2019 - 11:08 PM

are there any stats available for the M1 abrams, the M2 bradly and the stryker?

#32 daryl zorn

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Posted 13 May 2019 - 11:13 PM

is there any way, we as the community can help you with the moderns suppliment?

#33 Peter M. Skaar

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Posted 14 May 2019 - 05:27 AM


Is there any new information on what is going on with the Modern Data book and rules?  Thanks!

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