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35% off Sale on General Quarters III Rules

Posted by Kenny Noe , 17 February 2013 · 4,905 views

35% off Sale on General Quarters III Rules

35% OFF General Quarters III at ODGW.

Use coupon code GQ3SALE at our online store to receive this deal!

Why!?! You ask, well GQIII has since its initial release published 2 amendments with rules clarifications and player inputted tweaks. Both Amendments have been available independently on our web site and are free to registered GQIII customers. ODGW is preparing to publish the new and revised book for sale
You could wait and get the printed copy with the updated rules or you could save a good deal of money now and purchase the rules now. With your purchase you will be able to register the rules and download the amendments and all the other freebie stuff available to our customers. PLUS as a bonus the you will be able to download the new GQ 3.3 book!!

ODGW has a limited quality of GQIII in stock and will be having a 35% off sale on this stock until it runs out. Please use CODE - GQ3SALE - to have the discount applied. Remember buying GQIII today gets you access to the GQIII.3 download which includes all the updates.

This is a limited time offer and once the current inventory is gone the sale is over. Sorry no back orders at the sale price.

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