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ODGW Company Blog


ODGW Fall-In 2014

Posted by Kenny Noe , 01 November 2014 · 4,228 views
wargaming, miniatures, Fall-In
Saturday 1 Nov 2014
Welcome to ODGW Blog about HMGS Fall-In Convention 2014.

I'm unsure how often I'll update but I'll try and get as much content here as possible. Stay tuned...

Update 7 Nov 2014
I've added a Photo Gallery... follow here: http://www.odgw.com/...7-fall-in-2014/

Update 8 Nov 2014
More pictures have been added...


Historicon 2013

Posted by Kenny Noe , 18 July 2013 · 4,856 views

Historicon 2013 - Fredricksburg VA July 18-21  updated 5:46 pm 7/19 Link to Gallery - ( http://www.odgw.com/...toricon-2013/  )  Thursday ----------------------------------Arrives at the Convention site early.  Bob set up his Mein Panzer game (Party in a Little French Town) and I set up the Mein Panzer Junior game (Wargame 101...


45% off Sale on General Quarters III Rules

Posted by Tu Tran , 14 June 2013 · 4,577 views

45% off Sale on General Quarters III Rules Attention… Attention… Old Dominion Gameworks is having a limited time  offer on General Quarters III Perfect Bound.Buy the rule set at 45% OFF  and receive ONE  small acrylic turn gauge   FREE !!   As you know when you buy an ODGW product it comes with a registration page.  This is used to “register” the book at our web site ODGW.com.  Once regist...


ODGW Attending Cold Wars 2013

Posted by Kenny Noe , 07 March 2013 · 4,038 views

Updated 3/11/2013   Monday 3/11/2013   OK so Saturday was a fast blur.  We had a full slate of games and each were well played.  The Battle of Bi’r Gifgafa was a blast!  The final outcome was a marginal Israeli victory.  The southern flank was smashed and the Israelis armored forces had just to wheel around destroy...


35% off Sale on General Quarters III Rules

Posted by Kenny Noe , 17 February 2013 · 4,906 views

35% off Sale on General Quarters III Rules 35% OFF General Quarters III at ODGW.  Use coupon code GQ3SALE    at our online store to receive this deal!Why!?!  You ask, well GQIII has since its initial release published 2 amendments with rules clarifications and player inputted tweaks.  Both Amendments have been available independently on our web site and are free to registered GQIII cus...


Marine Nationale (French Navy) Deluxe Ship Logs Now Available

Posted by Tu Tran , 14 February 2013 · 7,374 views

Marine Nationale (French Navy) Deluxe Ship Logs Now Available ODGW  is proud to announce the release of the latest deluxe ship logs for General  Quarters III .The Marine Nationale  (French Navy) now join the stable of fleets that have the highly detailed ship logs. Due the unique nature of the French Navy’s WWII experience, the logs are split into three sections:Marine Nationale – Beginning of WWII to the Fall of Fr...


ODGW Announces The Northern Navies Supplement

Posted by CinC , 24 December 2012 · 6,518 views

ODGW Announces The Northern Navies Supplement Old Dominion GameWorks is proud to announce the availability of an additional supplement to expand the navies for General Quarters III.  This is our 2012 freebie download to GQIII registered owners.The Northern Navies Supplement (NNS) made available all the major and minor navies that participated in WW II and 1930s naval combat.  In addition to the major...


Korean War Databook released

Posted by Tu Tran , 29 November 2012 · 4,653 views

Korean War Databook released Source: Korean War Databook released


Historicon 2012

Posted by Kenny Noe , 14 July 2012 · 7,606 views

Hello and welcome to the offical ODGW blog for Historcon 2012. (drum roll.....) UPDATED!!! July 22 Like the blog for Cold Wars, I will try and post every day and hopefully several times a day to give you the scoop on what's happening @ the biggest War game convention in North America - Historicon 2012.Saturday July 14 [-5 days]...


Cold Wars 2012

Posted by Kenny Noe , 07 March 2012 · 3,846 views

Ok, so I submitted a News Story on TMP about us and the Cold Wars convention.  And asked folks to follow the blog...  So guess I should start writing it.

ODGW attends most of not all HMGS conventions.  Mainly because we want to support our games but also because they are within driving distance and we like the weekend out!  Whoot!  This time up i...

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